I will find the article I read about how the Hubble telescope found that certain parts of the universe are actually contracting while others are expanding. This disproves the Big Bang theory. I will post it when I find it. The way it was contracting goes completely against the Big bang theory, which is a THEORY, just as evolution is a THEORY. Neither have been completely proven to be fact but are taught that way because many people do not want to acknowledge God.

Also, if the moon was as old as they say it is, during the Apollo program they feared the Lunar module would sink in about 6' of dust. The dust wasn't there. Millions of years of bombarding the moon with meteorites would have created the dust. It didn't happen. Seems as if the moon is younger than they say.

People also forget the thousands of animals fossilized like they drowned, which they did during the flood of Noah's day.

When Mt. St. Hellens erupted, Spirit lake was filled with trees that were pushed into the lake. Within a few months the trees were turning into coal. Much faster than scientists figured.

I have lots of examples that disprove evolution, or other things that are taught as fact. Noone wants to listen to any opposing view. Just like the covid shots.