Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy

No, I do not know exactly what the various scriptures say and neither do you...but I have Faith and you do not...so what...you do you and I do me....just like antlers stated above, quote, "the ancients try to put together an accurate and reliable description of what happened. But very rarely do we have anyone in all of ancient history who actually lived during the time of the person and the events that they wrote about…like we have with the separate and individual authors of the separate and individual books that comprise the New Testament."

The stories have been translated, retranslated and compiled over centuries well after when the alleged events happened, and claimed testimony by anonymous authors and third hand claims of anonymous witnesses. Your faith goes beyond anything the story tells you because you cherry pick and add your own interpretation just like all the other Christians do.

Well, that is your atheistic opinion, and you do know what opinions are like right?

Except it's not my opinion. Historical and biblical scholars back up the fact of the issues with the documentation, and the fact that there are thousands of Christian denominations today backs up my interpretation claim. You're all using the same infallible word of god book.

ok....But I do not try and cherry pick....but you have to think about this....God the Bible may sometimes contain errors, big and small, because its writers were human. Sometimes, the errors were "innocent," other times they were contrived, purposeful, and made to fulfill an agenda...but overall Christians still have faith and believe in God the Bible.

Last edited by Raspy; 11/03/22. Reason: spelling

Illegitimi non carborundum