Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy
Originally Posted by Hastings
I don't believe I would have said that. I know a good many atheists but I don't insult them and cast aspersions. The fact is I like some of them. Jesus in Matthew 5:16 "Let your light shine before men, that they might see your good works, and glorify your Father in the heavens". I expect these men are having a little sport with you and you rise to the bait every time. Why don't you tell them you love them and hope they will rethink their atheism?

DBT and Mauser....I love your soul and hope that you 2 will rethink atheism.

You're almost a complete atheist yourself - just one more god to go. Put that critical thinking cap on and you'll get there.
Not going to believe there is no supernatural power. Life as we know it, the universe as we know it cannot have happened spontaneously. There was a huge explosion of compressed matter and then conditions on our rock for a chemical reaction caused life to emerge? And become viruses, bacteria, amoeba, jellyfish, sharks, whales, rats , grass, trees, cacti, and man, etcetera? I grant there is adaptive evolution, but not spontaneous life from a chemical reaction. Not even in a few billion years.

You"re substituting what we honestly don't know for sure all the details of, with another mystery but one that you are willing to believe in without any evidence what so ever. Where did god come from? That mystery you are willing to ignore but accept as agiven. How does he have these superpowers? That's another mystery you are willing to ignore but accept as a given.

How did you ballpark or calculate the odds for the time it took for life to start appearing? What's the probability of a god existing considering there's nothing to substantiate that assertion? What's the probability of galaxy farting pixies existing considering there's nothing to substantiate that assertion?

Creation of the universe and evolution are rock solid science and any knowledge gaps are geting filled the more we discover. Everything in biology, medicine and argricultural science makes sense thank's to the science of evolution.

Ultimately everything is just chemicals and chemical interactions of some form. Magic or supernatural forces don't appear in any of the explanations that we have uncovered. The more we know, the more the magic disappears, like it never existed in the first place,

Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy
Whatever you said...everyone knows you are a lying jerk.

That's a bold assertion. Point out where you think I lied.
