Lower body and abs today:

Warm up: five minutes on bike followed by one set using moderate weights on squat, hamstring, and glute machines.

Box jumps from seated, 30" box 3 sets of 10

Kettle bell goblet squats, 24 kg. x 12, 28 kg. x 12, 36 kg. x 10, 36 kg. x 8

Seated hamstring curls. 3 sets, increasing weight, 12, 12, 8.

Glute kickback machine, 3 sets, increasing wieght, 12, 12, 10.

Calf raises, 3 sets, increasing weight, 18, 15, 12.

Captains chair, straight leg rotations, 4 sets of 10; then straight leg raises, 2 sets of 20.

Balance/shoulders, 2 different reverse dumbbell flys, one legged on a BOSU ball, 3 sets of 12 each; super-setted with one-legged ankle rotations on the BOSU, 3 sets, 20 reps each side.

Back squat machine, 3 sets of 12 with increasing weight, super-setted with body-weight squats on the BOSU, 3 sets, 20 each.

A wise man is frequently humbled.