Originally Posted by Scott
Not quite 50 (you'll have to go to Smokepole & Battue - wait they're too old, nevermind).

Winter 2014 I did mostly bodyweight stuff and riding/running 3x a week. Got into a barbell routine in the summer and tried to continue the running/riding. That was too much volume for me.
This year I did barbell strength training 3x a week from Jan until this week. Now I'm doing a heavy lift day Monday, light lift Thursday, and mornings are either riding or running. I'll add swims at lunch as I get used to the schedule. Weekends are for hikes with weighted pack.
The idea is to maintain or slightly build strength while building the cardio until Fall. In fall/early winter I hope to at least do something 3-4 times a week then start the cycle again.

Conceptually, you are doing almost exactly what I do. I hit all my body parts hard only once per week, followed 2-3 days later with a lighter weight but different exercise for the same part. Example: Chest - heavy bench on Monday, dips on Thursday. I do squats on Monday so do no cardio on Tuesday; maybe a 2 mile walk but nothing strenuous. Weds is usually jog day, Thurs is usually weights, Friday is interval training or off depending on my week, Sat is jog or 10-15 mile hike in mountains. My intervals are running based - run hard for 1 min, walk for 1.5 min, 10 intervals of that. Intervals 9 and 10 really suck.......

Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it.