Jumped back into training after getting in 2 lifts in the last 2 months due to work, and got a pretty nasty indoc by a training buddy...

slowish 1 mile run, interrupted halfway by stretching circuit

9 minute EMOM: 15 Airsquats 8 Burpee pullups 10 lunges per leg with 35# dumbbells

3 rounds: 12x pullup, 20x pushup. Was only able to get 10 pullups for last 2 rounds.


Backsquat: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 245x5, 255x5, 275x5, 275x5, 285x5

4 rounds of: 95#x10 thrusters, 1.5minutes on rowing machine

4 rounds: 400m run, 20 strict pushups, 30 strict situps, 5 Man-Makers. This part absolutely kicked my ass.
