Originally Posted by stomatador
90 seconds of elliptical (300 watts)
15 kettlebell swings in 40 seconds
90 seconds of elliptical
15 wallball shots in 40 seconds
90 seconds of elliptical
8 pullups in 40 seconds______

x10 rounds (45 minutes of elliptical; 150 kettlebell swings; 150 wallball shots; 80 pullups)

This looked interesting and doable so went at it today. Had to modify it a little since all our walls are either mirrored, have machines or are walkways. Substituted 15 pushups for wallball shots and chinups for pullups. Chinups admittedly easier than pullups. Kettlebell was 50lbs.

Made all 10 rounds. 8 chinups per series until round 8 when I failed at 6. Took a 30 second or so break and did the last 2 of the set.

Then said might as well go for 100 chinups and finished off 100. Would fail at 3 or 4 but finished them off rather quickly. Actually did 1 more for 101.

Not a ball buster, just hard. grin

Addition: There was a gal in there that would have made Smoke start grunting. grin I just complimented her. Worked about as good as grunting at this point....

Addition 2: Dogs need something so finished up with cool evening 3mile+ a little hike with them. Looks like I just beat the rain.

Last edited by battue; 06/15/16.

laissez les bons temps rouler