Yeah, but it's beer, man! BEER! It's like.... a necessary nutrient.

There is a no-calorie alternative "euphoric" in CO and OR.......

I did an interesting Pilates type workout yesterday. It involved laying on my left side, on a mildly sloping shed style metal roof, right foot braced so I wouldn't slide off, with my left arm under the eaves of a peak roof, priming the goddam things. There was barely enough room to get my head partly under there enough to see what I was doing. My groin, abdomen, neck, left shoulder and associated "stuff", are sore today. Wasps and spiders added some spice.

There's one small section left to prime. I am not sure how to do it. It requires laying on a much steeper roof... too steep to hold me. I'm thinking safety line. It should be a similar core workout. smile

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two