5 mile walk. No winsome lasses observed, other than Mrs. Jeff O.

Going to ride later today.

I have been worrying about an odd phenomenon in my left leg while walking, where it just didn't feel right. Like a nerve wasn't firing right, or something. Feels funny, almost locked up, on the swing forward, and like it wants to hyperextend, not painfully but that's the feeling, the tendency. Like the beginning of "drop foot" or the like.

I think it's a muscle imbalance from cycling and in particular, a 50+ mile ride I had to finish on one leg, my left, due to IT band issues shutting the right one down. I think the ratio of strength of my left quad is improper relative to my left hammie.

Or, I'm just getting old.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two