Did lower body/core today. Can't do back squats with a barbell (tweaks the knee) so I compensate by doing other stuff:

Warmup: 5 minutes on bike followed by a set each of hamstring curls, squat machine, and glute kick-back machine.

Goblet squats with KBs, 28 kg x 12, 32 kg x 12, 36 kg x 10 twice.

Linear hack squat machine, 140 x 12, 180 x 12, 200 x 10

Prone hamstring curls, 135 x 12, 145 x 12, 150 x 10

Glute kickback machine, 125 x 12 (each side) 140 x 12, 150 x 12

Calf raises, 150 x 18, 155 x 15, 160 x 12

Leg raises on Roman chair, 2 sets of 12, 2 sets of 20

Balance/lower leg exercise on BOSU ball; one-legged dumbell flies and ankle rotations.

Back squat machine, 4 sets of 12, starting with 3 then 4-5-6 45-lb plates on each side, super-setted with body weight deep squats on BOSU ball. 6 plates on each side is as much as I've seen anyone in the gym load on that thing, although most serious squatters use the racks and barbells.

A wise man is frequently humbled.