Backing off the weights for a few days, probably the rest of the week. Last nights workout sucked. Failed on second set of 310 squats, only got 3.

I did something to my left shoulder a few weeks ago and work set squats really aggravate it. I think it happened when I got waffled failing on squats. The ache carries over thru the workout. Usually when I go home and take 2 Advil, I'm good. Lately it's still there even into the next day. Couple this with other nagging soreness/aches and I think it's time for a short break then reset and push on.

Cripes, I'm starting to sound like I'm the same age as Battue or Smokepole. grin

Anyway, 30 minutes on treadmill this morning 5deg incline 3.5 mph.

Last edited by Scott; 04/11/16. Reason: forgot the zero