Originally Posted by MtnBoomer
Originally Posted by m1rifleman
and most all believed the earth was flat....

Here's a simple definition.

Biological evolution = Change in the gene pool of a population through the generations by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

That definition does not say man evolved from bacteria. That would be another topic, which is what it seems many here focus on. Saying evolution doesn't exist is a belief, not a theory.

Natural selection is real. But while natural selection can explain the survival of an organism, it can’t explain the arrival of an organism.

Genetic drift is real, but we know of no examples where it has resulted in any significant changes to populations of animals where it is observed. For instance, bunny is still a bunny, a bison a bison, a finch a finch and so on and so forth.

Where evolution as it is envisioned today falls short is with the mutations. The mathematics working against random mutations is so daunting as to render evolution as it is currently taught impossible. Further, mutations would need to occur very early in the life of an organism to change the form of the organism and those types of mutations are ALWAYS fatal in the wild.