Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Fubarski
Originally Posted by DBT

It still has nothing to do with me, my confidence or what I do or do not believe. The issue is evidence and what it supports. The evidence supports evolution, as confirmed by the vast majority of those who work in the field, which, again, has nothing to do with me or what I happen to believe or not believe;

Then you believe in man-caused global warming also.

What has that got to do with this thread, which happens to be about evolution? As I said, what I do or do not believe is irrelevant. The issue is what the evidence tells us...if we look at it objectively. Seeing through the filter of faith is not an example of objectivity.

Quit trollin a halfway decent thread.

You post stupid shat, then when you're called on it you deflect.

If you're stupid enough to believe in the theory of evolution because it's " confirmed by the vast majority of those who work in the field", then you're stupid enough to believe in AGW.