Is evolution a myth?

Does the fossil record show a multitude of “transitional” forms that would support the idea of evolutionary change?

Here are some comments as a result from a quick google search, reference is an article in Forbes magazine:

Archaeopteryx …. has feathers… small teeth…has wings…flew…… BUT, since it has a fused clavicle, we are going to call it a transitional form which proves it came from dinosaurs. Wait a minute…. feathers…. wings…. flew… but because it has a fused clavicle we are going to call it a descendant from dinosaurs.

Nope, folks it is a bird. Paleontologists and evolutionary fan boys seeing something that isn’t there.

Pakicetus …..listed as a transitional form and proof of macro evolution. Now, this Pakicetus was a small land mammal. Ok, but why is it considered a transitional form and proof of the macro evolution of whales? Inquiring minds want to know…. so here it is: “….although it primarily lived its life on land, it is linked as a whale relative through its unique inner ear shape. Only whales have such an enhanced region of the ear called an "auditory bulla"--and Pakicetus has this too.”

Ok, I get it… small land mammal to big honking whale and the link is…. the “unique inner ear shape…” Does this seem right to you?

Pezosiren portelli ….The ancestry of manatees and dugongs was a long standing mystery in paleontology. In 2001, the discovery of Pezosiren portelli provided a huge clue. The fossil was discovered in Jamaica, and at 50 million years old represents the oldest member of the group Sirenia (sea cows). It is clear Pezosiren had 4 legs it used to walk on land, but it also had heavy ribs that could indicate it lived part time in water, much like a hippopotamus. This species likely represents the transitional form of sea cows as it maintained the general body plan of a sea cow, but just without flippers.

So, this Pezosiren walked on land, had four legs…BUT it also had heavy ribs…. right, heavy ribs… and this could… repeat could… indicate it lived part time in water …. like a hippopotamus. Yep, clearly an ancestor of a manatee…. the heavy ribs give it away.

Tiktaalik roseae ….Looking all the way back 375 million years ago, there is an intermediate fossil that represents the transition of vertebrate life from water to land. Tiktaalik roseae, discovered in Nunavut in 2004, is an ancient fish called a sarcopteryigian, or lobe-finned fish. Although it bears many similarities to fish like gills, scales, and fins, other key characteristics link Tiktaalik to land animals. While it did have fins, the bones inside the fins are homologous to the bones of the human hand and wrist, indicating it may have been able to bear weight. The animal also had a mobile neck and a strong ribcage, two critical traits that allowed four-legged (tetrapod) creatures to move onto land.

OK, it was a fish, they say that…. gills, scales, fins etc…. BUT, it is a link to land animals…Why? It had a mobile neck, strong ribcage and fins like a wrist…. Really? Seems more like the mudskippers I saw in Australia.

I submit that the fossil record has few.... if any.... examples of the much predicted "transitional forms." The fossil record does not support evolutionary theory.

The much ballyhooed "micro-evolution" is nothing but simple genetic variation and IS NOT supportive of the theory of evolution. Although the "hooey" part may be correct.

Last edited by TF49; 08/14/19. Reason: spelling error

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”