Originally Posted by Thunderstick

and then he quotes other's viewpoints as if they are not opinions...

Which shows that you have no understanding of science. Religion is your thing. Creation through Magic. Rather than scientific research into the natural world, preferring the explanation that a Magical undetectable Entity did it, ancient mythology over reason.

Originally Posted by Thunderstick

This approach is certainly not helping the cause for the intellectual viability of the theory of evolution--in fact it is demonstrating how unscientific it is. Atheistic/materialistic evolution as a standalone principle, is similar to the theory of Communism which rests upon this fundamental premise, which in its demise and failure, has proven itself to be guilty of the charge of the "opiate of the masses."

It's quite ironic when the purveyors of Bronze age myths talk about the intelligence of their opponents. But that's the nature and tactics of faith when under threat for you.