Originally Posted by LeroyBeans
Originally Posted by Ringman
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
So to summarize this thread to date, it looks like the evolutionists have won the debate with the overwhelming abundance of evidence and logic, but the creationists haven't conceded and have attempted diversionary tactics to include the consideration of unfavorable political persuasion as the hallmark of the infidel clan.

Let me know if I got this wrong or not....

So to summarize this thread to date, it looks like the creationists have won the debate with the overwhelming abundance of evidence and logic, but the evolutionists haven't conceded and have attempted diversionary tactics to include the consideration of unfavorable political persuasion as the hallmark of the infidel clan.

Let me know if I got this wrong or not...

Yup. You got it wrong.

Nope, he got it right.

The claimed transitional forms in the fossil record were shown to be “not transitional” and no other credible transitional forms were noted. Where are the transitional forms? The evolutionary theorists can only come up increasingly stupid explanations for the embarrassing lack of fossil proof of evolution.

The horse evolution nonsense was rebutted by statements of other evolutionists. Mark it down as mass hysteria and caving in to peer pressure by other “scientists.” Kinda the current scientific bias in support of global warming. Few.... if any ....money hungry university researcher will dare challenge the status quo for fear of being laughed at, ostracized and denied grant money. ..... Lemmings, self serving ones at that.

Some out there cling to fruit fly mutations and peppered moths changes as proof of evolution. Only those that do not have a clue about genetics would be fooled by these claims.

Oh, and if you want a good laugh, take a look at the contortions the evolutionist goes through trying to explain how the first living cell came into being, Seem some have give up and now are pointing to the earth being “seeded” by meteorites or aliens.

Nope, evolution is a myth.... men going mad in herds.

Last edited by TF49; 08/27/19. Reason: Spel

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”