Originally Posted by Fubarski
"We're eager to conduct more work in these deposits to understand the environment of the MRD specimen, the relationship to climate change"


And they "think" it's a male.

How cute.

Anything's possible, when you have enough faith.

At least, they're honest enough ta report that if ya believe in evolution, climate change naturally follows.

No faith. Just evidence.

Climate change has been happening and affecting species for millions of years. No one disputes that. Ever hear of the Ice Age (duh)? You've gotta be pretty dumb to iognore stuff like that.

And what about they "think" it's a male? It's very hard to determine sex from hominin fossils if you don't have the pelvis.

"Anything's possible if you have enough faith." Let me ask you this, since ringman refuses to answer. do you actually believe in the entire book of genesis? Is thare any EVIDENCE that it happened?

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.