Originally Posted by LeroyBeans
Originally Posted by Gus
the basic core or root of philosophy is that:

we don't know where we came from.

we don't know where we are,

and most certainly we don't know where we're going next.

it's been that way pretty much from the beginning.

man in his awareness & consciousness has used imagination to help himself along.

the fact that humans, but not the other apes can build cathedrals, go to the moon, etc. is no small thing.

That may be your interpretation, but I think we know all of those in pretty good detail, and most evolutionary biologists and educated people would agree.

i accept that you believe that we do. i take the position that we don't, and i also know that's pretty far out in a world of public schooled individuals.

actually, we don't have a clue, as the buddhists have long known.

we're making up the story the best we can, just like the ancient goat-herders sitting under the shade of the oak trees while their herds graze fresh grass beside the stream.

the fact we can go to the moon and send landers to Mars is no small event.

the high priests at NASA are consulting to set up the new branch of the military?

that'd be the US space command?

the truth is/is not out there?