Originally Posted by xxclaro

Why do people keep trotting out this utterly stupid statement? Time and again, every religious thread brings it out.
Can people simply not think? Choose to believe in the Easter bunny....go ahead, try it. How about Santa Claus?
There's no downside, only benefits. Free presents, free chocolate eggs
....maybe it only happens if you believe? ....

Believing is not about rewards (on earth or in heaven.)

accepting Jesus as savior allows one to receive the Holy Spirit, ... .if a person does not possess the Holy Spirit,
he or she does not belong to Christ.

Holy Spirit is the seal of salvation for all those who believe.

if one has the Spirit ,they are then controlled not by their sinful nature but by the Spirit.

but Thats what makes me highly sceptical as to the number of genuine christians in the world,
[ie:] how many claiming to be christian actually have the Spirit?...where are all those people that
are controlled by the Spirit and not their evil nature...???

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.