Originally Posted by LeroyBeans
Originally Posted by Thunderstick
Originally Posted by Thunderstick
Originally Posted by LeroyBeans
Originally Posted by Thunderstick

This approach is certainly not helping the cause for the intellectual viability of the theory of evolution--in fact it is demonstrating how unscientific it is. Atheistic/materialistic evolution as a standalone principle, is similar to the theory of Communism which rests upon this fundamental premise, which in its demise and failure, has proven itself to be guilty of the charge of the "opiate of the masses."

And yet, this is the dumbest post of all time. Not just in this thread - which is saying something in itself, but for of time, all threads, all forums, throughout the internet. Just stunning.

But that's what makes this place so frikkin' funny.

Soldier on. smile

In thinking further--this is a very interesting postulation--because in order for it to be true a person would need a perfect knowledge of the entire internet. Obviously lacking the substance of that knowledge we are left with a speculative emotional outburst. But setting that aside, do I get some form of an honorary degree for achieving this status? smile

Look what showed up! Of course no supporting data came to give it credibility--but I don't suppose that is needed for emotional outbursts.

Name has been blocked to protect the humored

cert of achievement

You can't get me out of your head, can you? Sorry about that, but I'm lovin' this whole thread. So much creativity, so much drama. Thunderstruck, you really should write TV sitcoms or something like that - maybe you do.

Meanwhile, Soldier on. Your Crusade awaits, and I can't wait for the next chapter.

Beans, your post was ad hominem and nothing but, which means you can't respond on the merits, which means you've conceded the argument. Nice work! laugh
