speaking of the current world, the us and maybe two-three other minor countries are dealing with the english measurement system? that is, not the metric system, although we all know pretty much what it is and how it works.

many have thought we're leaving the industrial age and moving further into the ecological age. but yet, the mass politics all accept we should bring more mfg jobs back to america. and i agree. it's hard to beat making something to sell abroad.

the ecological age is more feely, sweet, airy, and bubbly? that is, live and let live, and let's all combine resources to save the urth. (like we had any resources: well, brainpower & technology), but not much else.

the idea of allowing der chinese to do our dirty work & mfg, and off loading it onto walmart for domestic distribution is not a bad concept...at least as long as the domestic money holds out. they get the pollution, and we get the plastic toys in the cardboard boxes to go under our aluminum xmas trees.

lot's of conflicting opinions and view points on post-modernism. i'd like to hear yours when you have a chance.