All of the current knowledge of science is the result of actual evidence. We observe something, make a theory of what caused it, figure out some other prediction that that theorry must predicts, and then see if that other thing happens. If so, the theory is correct, or largely so.

There are no prior beliefs in science. The term "settled science" is not a scientific term. It's a political term. Scientists are still doing experiments to see if Einstein's relativity, which dates from 1905, is totally correct or is only an approximation.

So we believe in evolution because there is evidence that evolution happens. Evolution explains the evidence. We do not look for new evidence to confirm evolution, but instead change our theories if new evidence is discovered.

All the books of the Bible were written by people who already believed in them. They were not based on evidence.
Belief is not evidence.

Is there any evidence, outside of the Bible, that the events described in it actually occurred? Specifically with regard to Genesis, the answer is "No." Later books of the old Testament are partially confirmed by historical or archeological evidence.

As for Jesus, there is some circumstantial evidence outside of the Bible. The rapid spread of Christianity after his death was obviously due to his followers believing very strongly in the Resurrection. Whatever they saw, the followers of other "holy men"--and there were many others--did not carry on after their "holy man" died.

Until new evidence comes along, if it does, there is no reason to doubt evolution. There is no evidence whatsoever, however, for the creation story in Genesis, the flood, etc., or creationism, and also no need for them to explain what we see.

The purpose of religion is not to foolishly combat scientific discoveries. Catholicism tried that 500 years ago and the Pope has since aplologized for it. The purpose of religion is to give us a moral anchor of how to behave. Otherwise, there would be nothing but moral relativism, and the only bar to mayhem would be a fear of superior force. I don't believe you can have a civilization without believing in some higher power.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.