Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Perhaps not. But it has produced Triticale.

Triticale is a cross, not only of two different species, but of two separate genera. And it breeds true. As in you can use the seed of this year's crop to plant next year's.

So, that makes it an entirely new species created within the space of one century. What is possible in 100,000 centuries, in nature, with the added pressure of extinction level events opening new environments for thousands upon thousands of species.

Triticale is actually sterile and has to be treated with a drug to make it fertile.

Not according to University of Wisconson extension cooperative extension University of Minnisota Center for alternative plant and animal products circa 1989.

Triticale is self pollinating and breeds true.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.