Originally Posted by RatherBHuntin
WATCH THIS.......A great discussion by those much smarter than anyone on this forum, on the major shortcomings of Darwin’s theory of evolution. One of the guys just risked his academic career by “walking away” from Darwinism. All 4 gentleman seem to conclude that the evidence in the fossil record, emerging biological science and mathematics completely contradicts the Darwinian approach to origins and evolution.
If you want the core of the discussion, fast forward to about 26 minutes.

Why would you think those guys are smart? I stopped watching when I found out one of them was the same old quackdoodle from the Discovery Institute.

I would believe thousands of real scientists, not three quackdoodles. You would have to ignore tens of thousands of fossils to believe such drivel.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.