And there is the practical side that we want to reiterate again ...

Theistic views birthed our country and the other beneficent countries of the world and gave them the liberties that we enjoy based on all men being created and therefore deemed of equal value. Theistic premises do not guarantee that man will not be selfish or remain uncorrupted; but they provide moral restraint against selfishness, hold all humanity to an equal standard of justice, and provide the societal framework for the potential development of beneficence. Theistic based governments have provided a framework for the liberty to express atheism and all other forms of religion, providing they do not cross the foundational moral boundaries of that society. At the point in time in which theism is completely rejected or overwhelmed by the due process of a free society, that society will, experience the loss of liberties, and begin a moral decline from which there will be no recovery. This will proceed under the guise of science until it reaches the inevitable Big Bang that will ultimately destroy itself.

There is no moral basis for human equality in either evolution or atheism. Human equality in an atheistic or evolutionary context lies solely with the arbitrary whims of the power structure, because the power structure answers to no transcendent moral authority and only answers to itself. This is why governments based on the premises of evolution and atheism have consistently demonstrated their tyrannical despotism, their eventual corruption, the loss of the practice of liberty of conscience, and often even basic human rights for some dissident segments of the population. When evolution and atheism are the fundamental premises, they will suppress and try to forcibly eradicate theism because it becomes enemy number 1 to the agenda for is opposed to its very foundational premises.