Originally Posted by LeroyBeans
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Fubarski
Originally Posted by LeroyBeans
Read any elementary biology text.

The ones written by liberals determined to destroy the country, like you?


That's quite a leap. From science to destroying the country.

Not to mention the liberal part as well. Biology is the same in every country, every political party.

The theory of evolution could be interesting from a science standpoint, as a curiosity, but has no worth as a mean to advance human understanding, or any practical use in modern times.

Math, geometry physics, genetics, all have useful applications to humans. All the theory of evolution can postulate, even if someday proven, is that animals that lived in the past are different than those that will live in the future. No shat, never woulda thought of that. And even that part of it is worthless, due to genetic engineering and species protection.

It's so worthless, there would have to be an agenda for it to be taught in a school at all.

Its only use, is as a socialist, liberal tool to be used to dissuade others from believing in some variety, any variety, of theology.

That's why it's over-promoted as a science, funded and taught in schools.

AGW followed in the footsteps of the theory of evolution, BS "science" applied to theory-confirming, overstated and inaccurate observations, and followed only by true believers in the faith, for the purpose of destroying modern society.

Supporters of both AGW and evolution theories on the fire are the proof.