Originally Posted by DBT

''Start with the hypothesis that God is involved in evolution. What evidence would you look for in order to prove or disprove it.''

As pointed out before, if there is a God involved with evolution, would you not expect to see some sign of manipulation? Some sign of purpose? So again, justification of belief, if God exists but is undetectable, what reason do we have to be convinced in the existence of a God?

Let me see if I've got this straight. The evidence you'd look for to determine if God is involved in evolution is "some sign of manipulation" or "some sign of purpose." In other words, you don't really know what you're looking for.

But you believe that since you haven't found it, it doesn't exist. Does that about sum it up?

Sounds like the scientific method at its finest. Is the absence of evidence evidence of absence,when you don't really know what you're looking for?

When you answer, keep this in mind: I'm not the one trying to prove a point here, you are. I didn't say there was evidence of God's involvement, you said God was not involved and I asked how you knew that. So don't keep asking me what I think the evidence would look like, I'm not afraid to admit that I don't know.

A wise man is frequently humbled.