Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd
Materialistic evolution — the process of chance perturbations (and then mutations, almost off of which are fatal) over billions of years leading to all life from a common ancestor — is a philosophy, not hard science. A world view whose attitude of human arrogance emanating from the enlightenment and then the father of geology, Charles Lyle, in the1700’s and early 1800’s, wanting to describe a geology countering “the Moses account” needing billions of years of slow processes called Uniformitarianism.

He set the stage for the acceptance of billions of years which in 1859 Charles Darwin (also a non-believer) built on with his ”Origens.” This gave a ”possible” worldview many found easier to believe than a sovereign God they were accountable to. Darwin’s Science was at an elementary level and the rest conjecture.

Where did any original material come from in the first place?
There are no transitional fossils in the record nor living ones?
There is more than a whole set of encyclopedia Britannica’s information in one simple cell. Where does information directing the cell come from? Where does New information come from in the presumed increasing complexity of creatures? (The electron microscope was not even around until the early 20th century. Darwin had no idea of the complexity of the cell.). Crick of DNA fame and an atheist, has realized the total lack of credibility in evolution and has decided on transpermia — that “we” were “seeded” from someplace in outer space!!!
There are arguably fifty or so physical constants that off one place behind the decimal point would make this globe uninhabitable — you might say it was custom-fitted for human habitation.
You can direct genetic traffic within a species to make different varieties but each time there is a loss of genetic information. There is never a gain in genetic information — you cannot go from the Pomeranian back to the wolf.
C14- and radioisotope dating that everyone hangs their hat on are rife with interpretation problems and bias.

I don’t have the time to go on but a question: why do you think the ID (Intelligent Design) movement got started in the ‘90’s? Because there is too much genetic information and complexity, and the scientific knowledge (true hard science) that has been gained shows pure materialistic evolution to a dream’s fantasy. It’s so deeply imbedded in academia and the sciences and culture as dogma that it will die a slow death but it is dying in your life time.

The blithely made statements made out of complete ignorance here are always amazing. I.e., there wasn’t room on the ark for all the animals? Perhaps, say, 80% of the animals were insects and small creatures and the behemoth kind were very young or juveniles. Also these “kinds” were not species but a higher category of immense genetic information from which species and varieties could be later generated.

Fearing God is the beginning of wisdom.

You are just wrong on EVERY level.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell