Re: Dawkins video....whales

Lots of bafflegab and a nice drawing. Reminds me of the semi-famous depiction of the “evolution” of the horse..... small ones, big ones, three toes, two toes.... but all were horses. Some guy made fun of it by using the same format but used dogs in the illustration.

But, as ever, let me ask a couple of questions..... you say “we” have the fossils.... ok, show me. Seems we had a great leap from a small land animal to a whale like creature. Let’s see the “more transitional fossils.”

Further, pls provide info or reference to the “having the DNA.”

Small land mammal to whale? DNA trail? I would like to see that.

Pls, if the only evidence is a similarity between hippo and whale DNA is all you have, just say it. There seems to be much similarity chicken hemoglobin and human hemoglobin. That is not proof of common ancestry.

Btw.... I:consider Dawkins to be primarily an entertainer, much like that pervert Larry Krause.

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”