Originally Posted by Tarquin
Prove that it is pseudoscience instead of being an echo chamber for someone who, like yourself who is afraid to confront the actual arguments. If its pseudoscience you should have no trouble responding to the merits of the article! That is how science and logic work. The fact that all you can't---that all you can do is call names and regurgitate someone elses's concession of impotence is tantamount to an admission of surrender. You're embarrassing yourself.

I not the one quoting from biased creationist material, written by authors who are not qualified, who are dismissed as cranks by the vast majority of scientists who actually do the research.

The evidence for evolution is readily available, I have posted links and quotes that outline the case for evolution. But that is all ignored.

Once again, it is not my evidence or my argument, but the situation as it actually stands. Only a small minority of academics question the evidence and most of those are not qualified, they are first and foremost, creationists.