Originally Posted by rimfire
Originally Posted by Ringman
Originally Posted by rimfire
Once Noah got the Ark built how long did it take him to go to N.America,S,America,Australia,etc,etc and collect 2 of every animal. Then he had to have food for all of them and once the flood was over he had to get the animals back to their proper place. Did he have help from Santa ?

Ever here of Pangea? Prior to the Flood there was one land mass. The super continent broke during the Flood. Some computer models showed they moved a several meters per second.

Dinosaurs were roaming the earth then,no humans

dinosaurs were used as the basic template or preliminary design for the mammals.

getting the details worked out, prior to the advance of the next level of sophistication.

it's all connected, even interconnected. our old reptilian brains are at the base of the new brain.

what we've got here is a steady advance. we can call it order from chaos, pure chance, pure god, or combinations.

monkey brains leaving the forest, heading out on the savannahs, enduring saber tooth tigers, and settling in great cities.

now, great cities aren't enough for us. oh no. it's mars or bust. but first we must have settlements on the moon, and then on mars.

your average squirrel can't even conceive of such. once he gets a hollow tree full of nuts for the winter he's satisfied. not us Naked Apes.