Originally Posted by IndyCA35
So, we have some astrophysicists who claim, without observational evidence, clouds turn into stars. We have others who are just as educated who disagree. One is based on the unseen faith that things cannot be created in their present condition and the other depends on things we can see and not guess about what happened in the unseen past.

There are no "MOST ABSURD PARTS OF GENESIS" for the Bible believer It is all sober history. You start from an opposite bias as me. We were not there and know no one who was and take our positions on faith: Yours that God is not real and mine is that the God of the Bible is more real than we are.


What an absolute loon you are!

If 10,000 astrophysicists found evidence that gas clouds condense into stars, and the Hubble Space Telescope photographed it (which it has, by the way), and YOU found ONE astrophysicist that fell down the stairs and broke his arm, you would claim that "all astrophysicists have broken arms."

It is not possible to defend Genesis based on anything one can observe anywhere in the universe.

And...do YOU believe in talking snakes???[/quote]

You resort to ad hominin. I'm not surprised.

Your arrogance is exceeded by your naivety. The idea you think you know something about the universe is amazing.

You need to read more carefully the Text you want me to address. I don't believe in talking "snakes", but do believe a snaked deceived Eve. Just as I believe a donkey spoke to Baalam.

The God Who created the snake and the donkey can certainly give them voice if He wants.

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter