Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by Ringman
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Re: evidence of floods.

I recently watched a Nova presentation on the floods over the Scablands of Wa State. It seems Lake Missoula in Montana filled and broke the ice dam and drained multiple times during previous ice ages. The waters raced across N Id and Wa State leaving a miles wide path of destruction behind.

Core samples from just off shore show the various sediment layers deposited by various floods.

We know the Salt Lake Basin was once filled with water. My understanding is that it drained down the Snake River cutting the Snake River Canyon in just a matter of days.

Hell's Canyon was once dammed at the top near Farewell Bend Or. There are stories of a volcanic eruption which blocked the canyon, and of course periodic ice dams must have occurred. Thus Lake Bonneville was formed which at different times covered SW Idaho, SE Oregon, most of Utah, and a big hunk of Nevada.

Lots and lots of regional floods. But no, nothing which inundated the entire Earth.

It is interesting to me that the Chinese have written histories which go back 6000 years. Ancient oriental art depicts orientals as always having oriental eyes. Interesting to know how they had those eyes before the flood, and how descendants of Noah who later resettled in the orient also came to have oriental eyes.

You missed the correct interpretation of the sediments from many floods. They are sediments from One Flood produced as the tides caused currants in the flooded world. The Chinese came into being after the Flood. They are descendants of one of Noah's kids.

Ringman, I'm sorry to break it to you, but you're spouting nonsense. 6-day genesis literalism (the idea the earth is only 6000 years old) is so thoroughly discredited that to continue to believe it the equivalent of believing the earth is flat.

Because you believe the opposite of what I believe doesn't make me wrong or you correct. By the way, I think the earth is about 7,000 years old. I changed my position after watching the youtube video "How long were the Israelites in Egypt?"

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Everyday Hunter