Originally Posted by GunGeek
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by MtnBoomer
But nobody claims they just grew an eye with the next generation. Mutations are not limited to the change of one amino acid. Whole hunks of DNA can mutate when transferred. There's a whole body of science about this stuff.

But we aren’t just talking about mutations. We are talking about viable mutations. Then beneficial mutations. Then viable, beneficial, and heritable mutations.
Yes...some are not viable for the individual with the mutation. No one denies that. However, you seem to be denying that unless the change is large enough to be lethal or clearly observable in our lifetimes; it's not legit. That's just not a logical way of looking at things.

No, I’m just telling you that you can’t get there completely with small mutations. And that particularly applies in the period I am mainly discussing when lower order simple organisms developed new information to form all the body parts of higher form life.