Why can't any of you guys DEFINE "micro-evolution" vs. "macro-evolution?"

If individuals of a species start to live in separate environments, keep the same types of bones but different shapes of them, and keep much of the same behavior--tool making, tribalism, war with other tribes, sexual dimorphism (males larger than females), but one type develops anatomy better suited to living in trees while the other type develops long hind legs and the ability to throw things accurately, is that micro or macro? Because that describes humans vs. chmpnzees. We think the separation happened 6,000,000 years ago. We think the two species cannot interbreed (at least I hope).

What about two species of hominids that any skilled anatomist can tell are different with the glance at a single bone, due to size of teeth, shape of skull, size of bones and muscle attachments, and brain size (the other one had larger brains than us)? That's us and Neanderthals, split about 300,000 years ago and (surpise!) lately proven capable of interbreding with us. That's us and Neanderthals. Is that micro or macro? Incidentally they had white skins and red hair. We had blck hair.

What about the split between Negroes and all other Homo sapiens races that occurred about 70,000 years ago? Differences include length of the (protruding) lower face, bone density, various bone structures and IQ. Obviously capable of interbreeding and without any firm line between races. Micro or macro?

What about the evolutionary changes we KNOW occurred in Europeans during the last 10,000 years? Micro or macro? Examples include (a) our brains are about 10% smaller, (b) our bones are less dense, (c) skin color--Europeans were originally black, (d) we evolved the ability for adults to digest dairy products, (e) certain groups adapted capillary structures to aid living at high altitudes, etc.

I don't think "micro" or "macro" even exist. Evolution obviously happens. The longer two groups are separate, the greater the differences become.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.