God has demonstrated time and again that His prophetic promises come true. On that basis our hope is not a mere happy thought but a joyful expectation that lives in the present and looks to the future.

Science cannot offer us anything authoritative regarding our origins because it cannot repeatedly test spontaneous generation. Science cannot predict our future because it has no reliable data for that.

Looking far into the past or into the future with science will only show it's inadequacy to provide those answers. We look with faith, not a blind one, but one that sees all the promises kept to the prophets. We also see lives that have been radically changed by faith in Christ. I have known drunks and crackheads changed by Christ without going through any rehab programs. I'm not saying those programs are not necessary at times but I have seen when they were not. We are not merely talking about a mind change but a heart change...a metamorphosis of a new person.
This is real evidence of a hope that is assured.