Originally Posted by TF49
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by TF49
Originally Posted by victoro
" Unless of course you're envious, and you want to try and take away what others have.."

What exactly do you have that others might want to take away?

I can't speak for smokepole, but it seems that what others desire to take away is ….truth.... and peace and assurance.

There is at least one avowed atheist on this site that has openly said that his desire is to prevent others from "believing the lie of Christianity." He loves to sow the seeds of doubt. I give the guy a bit of credit.... he openly states why he posts on these Christian topics.After all, this is the internet and it is the campfire, so have at it.

The thief comes to steal and destroy.

Some folks here are more involved in virtue signaling and some sort of juvenile "rah, rah, hooray for our team." They use a lot of rhetoric and few facts.

Your beliefs are your own business and if they bring you joy and comfort and harm no one, enjoy, nobody can take that away from you. But when faith/belief is made public, claimed to be truth, then naturally it is going to be questioned by those who don't see things that way, including other theists who hold different beliefs.

Well,of course.... your comment does not address the issue that victoro inquired about.

I wasn't responding to 'victoro' - I must have missed what was said.