Originally Posted by Gus
just 39 pages or so. can't stop now.

antelope sniper has asked what do we believe and why.

well, that's a start. i'll begin by sayin' i was taught evolution theory after i was taught about the old & new testament. so they came first and foremost. i was young at the time, btw. so, it was downloaded into a young brain, that was untaught and undeducated. but it was a beginning.

later, some goofy ph.d's started talking about all kinds of crazy stuff that i ain't never hurt tell uf before. one was evolution, and it just kept getting deeper and deepr.

so, what do i believe and why? about all i know is what i've been told. except for what questions i have raised sorting through the debris, odds & ends, and detritus. there is in fact very little that i believe that is in fact "mine" to believe. i got most my stuff from the cloud, so to speak. but, i continually sort, add levels of importance from low to high, and add probability to the unknown, bayesian i suppose. anyways, i try to keep my little island of consciousness afloat on a piece of flotsam believing that we'll see land sooner or later.

some say the only way to decide what is true is to vote on it. others disagree vehemently, almost violently even?

Gus, you laid out what you've been told, but what do you Believe????

I'm not necessarily expecting you to express them in absolutes, what do you think is most likely, or even probable?

What about these questions to you admit to just not knowing??

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell