This is how Christians describe how Eve could now experience pain after the Fall...

- Innerworkings of the body (e.g., pelvis bones for childbearing) no longer functioned as originally designed, causing increased sensation.
- Design changes also took place (of the original pelvic bones for childbearing), resulting in increased sensation.

so it seems we now have God interfering with the original natural design mechanism he had delegated [nature] to bring forth for Him.

I mean nature does not change those things overnight.

Originally Posted by scoony
. There is no need to try to put a "axis of evil" spin on evolution.

Christians like to fall back on the devil and demons as the cause of their problems, yet before christians mushroomed into society,

the Hebrew (O.T.) had no personified devil and no demons battling God on earth, Gods enemy was clearly identified as mankind.

with mythology you can make up/modify/add sequels of any story you want and because such beliefs are faith based ,
no proof is needed.

CF christians can see the devil at work here, like Salem witch hunters could identify real McCoy witches.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.