Remember back just a short time ago when if you were not rock a bob or a bob ai then you were fn stupid. Now it's an 8 spun 243. For the record this is the same dip chit that shimmed a montucky too get enough mils to shoot to the 2000 yard line all with a SS 6x.

Sugar Tits, a Cooper is more class than a fat little turd!!!!! like you dare pack. Keep throwing 105 at 2000k and leave your aluminum hat by the keyboard.

Next week a 6.5x47 in a 700 leaving it in the Hs for its perfect. Duplicating the VS countour with an 8.4spun Obermeyer and a little polish on the lugs a little square on the face and bush F pin. Topped with a 10x Ss and that's a one holer.
Ever time I flush a toilet I expect to read you drown no luck as of yet. <~ now that's imagine and pretend. And a little about a gun.

Hugs and kisses tittys LMMFAO.