
I've got a Winchester 30-06 and a Schrade Sharpfinger and your "fancy" stuff ain't for me.


Bless your heart.



I couldn't in Good Faith let sumptin' go,in which the mould was literally broken. I only have a coupla them T-hole Sillywet handles and they's in the larder for the looonnnggggggg term.(grin)

Heard a rumor hot offa the grapevine,that I've a 54 at The Plumbers now,getting a dovetail revival and (4) holes punched to D&T for a Bob 75MOA rail. It'll go in the 1808-EDS T-hole handle for Retrostalgia and of course wear a 10x MQ. If the stars align,I'll be less than (1) Mil offa the erector's total bottom,when reaping a 50yd zero...which'll grant 725yds+ of POA/POI correlation sanctity.

It'd take another 42MOA of inclination to get all the goody outta an Illuminati's erector,but sadly,noone offers a 115MOA inclination fixed system,that'll take a lick.

Pard ordered a Bobro 45MOA mount yesterday and I went ADM 30MOA,as cursory test beds to see how they fend abuse,but I'm dubious in any/all things QD,mainly because I'm hard on schit and have puked alotta systems.

I still have an 1827 Biathlon that I need to spruce up.................


Don't be too hard on her,The Lord directs her.



You strung-out Candy Stripers tend to operate at about 25-inches of vac.


How's the Drag Race betwixt you and Savage99,as I know you both ALMOST fhuqking did something. Almost.

Bless your heart.



It remains a fascinating constant and a right proper Dichotomy,that you have more pictures of me Outdoors in your album,than you do of you. Congratulations?!?

Can you even remember what year it was,you last stepped outside? Didn't think so...you "hard charging kchunt. Laughing!

Feel free to use enough Imagination and Pretend,to grant yourself the Delusion ,hat you "could too". Mainly because you are the ONLY dumbfhuqk on The Planet,who would be stupid enough to believe a lie so grandiose.


[Linked Image]

At least Imagination and Pretend are free,so you can afford to plagiarize.

You "lucky" kchunt.

Bless your heart.



I'm fhuqking crying...I'm laughing soooooooooooo hard.

Holy schit!!!

Wow +P+++.............


She CAN'T say anything in the first hand,mainly because she fhuqking KNOW better.

For some reason.............(grin)


I'll feign my "surprise",that you run from ALL things The Rifle and especially the pieces of fhuqking schit you suffer. What were the fhuqking "odds"?!? Laughing!

Your uncanny "ability" to cypher EXIF,is equally fhuqking hilarious,you amazingly inept Clueless Kchunt. Congratulations?!?

You "hard chargers" REALLY get after it! Pardon my being afforded the luxury,of not being forced to guess. Hint.

Bless your heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."