Big Stick,
Hey little buddy. I hope you are well. It's been a few days since I came out to play with you. I know you missed me; so, here goes.

Now you can bask in the SWEET satisfaction,of folks who think about me daily. Congratulations?!?

The botched blueprint is a fhuqking hoot! Especially with schit glass and boolits. GOOD thing the gates AND fences were there.

I getta kick outta how your Titty-Finding Coke Bottles,fixate a sticker. Congratulations?!?

You pill-poppin'/strung out Candy Stripers are certainly fixated on bed pans. Congratulations?!?

I'll feign my "surprise",that your Do Nothing Dumbfhuqkery...just ain't quite "satisfying",despite your best efforts to convince yourself otherwise. You "lucky" kchunt.

Your "goal",is to NOT schit your pants. Congratulations?!?

You "hard charging" kchunt.

You CLUELESS there NO end to your Stupidity? Congratulations?!?

You suck a mean ass. Congratulations?!?

I'm "unfamiliar" with the "proof"...because I've only got a few. Now you can say that you've ACTUALLY "seen one". You "lucky" kchunt. Congratulations?!?

Feel free to plagiarize pics as you MUST and Whine as you do,while making Excuses you deem as being "enough".

Perhaps some day,I'll "forget" my cameras and then you can go for the throat. Congratulations?!?

You "hard charger" you.
It's your Imagination and Pretend...wield it as you MUST. I'll feign my GREAT "surprise",that despite your oft flaunted Imaginary Pretend Ignore,you hang on my EVERY word and pixel. Congratulations?!?

If only because you area THE Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit,keep in mind that nobody copy/pasted the pics,so LIE in accordance.

GOOD fhuqking call to Whine to the Do Nothing Dumbfhuqks and refrain ALL things germane. Congratulations?!?

No need to reiterate that your Piece Of Fhuqking Schit Blueprints and Soccer Mom Bitch Mobile...just ain't gonna get it done. Congratulations?!?

VERY wide. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.


Hey, it's easier the way you do it. Just kidding little buddy. Have a good night.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck