Originally Posted by Seafire
Tell me in the pic, MiniMe is NOT wearing Crocks!!!!

Say it ain't so!!!

Only Liberal HoMos and Lesbos wear Crocks....

It ain't so, John, those are sandals.

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these are crocs!


Ya' ever heard the story about a guy who thought he was a cowboy and the lesbian..........

Seems this ol’ cowpoke was getting up in years and had come into town on a Friday afternoon somewhat early. He’d stopped at the local watering hole and was sitting at the bar nursing a beer. Next thing he notes looking at the mirror over the bar in front of him is this woman. He figures she’s in her late twenties. She is definitely out of place. She has on skin tight spandex, and a crop top and four inch heels. All is black. She sits down on the stool next to the cowboy, smiles and tells the bartender she wants a tequila shot and a beer. After she orders she looks at the ol’ cowboy and asks. Are you a cowboy.
Well the old fellow looks at her, smiles, as he is used to city folk passing through asking this same question. He tells her, ma’am, I get up in the morning, have toast and coffee, saddle my horse and climb on. I ride most all day checking the fences, looking for stray cows. I round em’ up, I brand em’, I look for them when they are lost. I break bronc when it’s necessary. Been doing that for near on 45 year.
Well, sez the woman. I’m a lesbian. I get up in the morning thinking about women. I spend my day thinking about women. I think about women till I go to bed. She shoots her shot, downs her beer, then gets up and leaves. A few minutes later another person sits down next to the cowboy, and proceeds to ask, “Are you a cowboy. The old fellow looks at the newcomer and says. You know, all my life I thought I was a cowboy. I just found out I was a lesbian.

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A Kill Artist. When I draw, I draw blood.