Not me in the pic. I was present when the pic was taken, but did not take the picture. Getting time in or on a crane is not something I do very often. Once again, I manage operations and spend time on job sites with customers, sales, and marketing reps on occasion, in various places-- even Alaska. The current product I manage is used heavily in the oil and fracking industry. Sent several machines to Prudhoe Bay recently. Most are sitting idle now, due to the oil price drop.

Anyway, enough about what "I do for a dollar" these days. I answered the little elf's inquiry about 'what I do'. I'm not sure why it's hard to believe what I do, or have done over my career. Since this is the internet, I could have been an astronaut or brain surgeon. Still wouldn't compare to cutting trees down in the Northwest, I guess. Laffin'.

Moving on:

I'm sure Stick loves this rifle. Wood, and a very slow twist, blued barrel. Probably should install a Super Chicken.
[Linked Image]


Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

Thomas Jefferson