
According to my AK Trailer Park Backwoods Gibberish Decoder Ring...

Doubt if you could come up with a word big enough for me to not understand... I mean your typing or language skills wouldn't get you advancing to the third grade in today's low standard education system....

I mean, face it... Your Lab is a better speller, a better typer than you, has a better working knowledge of the English he's always sober... Smarter Looking Too and probably had better hygiene standards...

Yeah, I realize you can't lick your nuts like your Lab, and I am sure you are envious of the fact that he can and you can't... maybe if you put bacon grease on yours, he'll lick them clean for ya...

pour some bacon grease on that Que Ball of a head, and I'm sure he'll shine that up nice and pretty also...

But do thank him for making you not look as bad as you really are...and thank him for typing your posts to make them more legible...That sure is a darn good dog...Labs usually are...