I was gonna top off the ol' F350 this afternoon but ended up having a rough day at work and my job might be in jeopardy. Things are tightening up and my 'stock' has gone way down. Compound that with forgetting to secure the chicken coop last night and I'm nervous as hell.

Figured it would be better to play it safe(financially) and wait until things cool off.

And to top it off(no pun intended) our rental got burglarized again last night. I'd love to move to a safer neighborhood but it's tough coming up with the deposit and all that bullchit.

Pawned some stuff and wound up with enough cash for this little set-up. Not sure how the laser part works but the thieves better look the fuuck out next time they try to break in.... Just sayin' it might be not pretty(if you know what I mean...).

[Linked Image]
(found the bottle of skunk water in the road ditch)