Originally Posted by Big Stick


You Pavement Pounding Do NOTHING Dumbfhuqks are a fhuqking riot! Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.


Big Stink

You really got to get that diaper rash under control little guy! Maybe MaMa could put some Vasoline on it instead of the KY the boys around the campfire use when they pass you around! You probably shouldn't open your mouth so much when your pard's in it ticking your tonsils either! It makes whatever your trying so hard to say impossible to understand! At least wipe your chin! Didn't MaMa tell ya not to talk with your mouth full! Trouble is it's almost always full of somebody!

Thanks for thinking bout me little stink but if anyone needs lip from you they can scrape it off their zippers! Don't forget your knee pads when ya head out to work! Sorry did saying "head" and "knee pads" get ya all excited! Well there's gotta be some livestock near ya you can keep in tune with! Just remember your Taliban training and tape the goats mouth shut so it won't make noise when ya travel the Hershey Highway! I know ya don't like cows since it's so hard for ya to jump off the milk stool and waddle up front with your little stink boy panties around your ankles to kiss em! (is that what makes ya so cranky, not having enough livestock around to satisfy ya or is it so many dwarf steps to get up front and kiss em! Maybe try some shorter cows!)

I heard a rumor recently that if someone slips a quarter in your ear, your teeth fold back! I imagine that will make you popular around the campfire also! It's a long 2 weeks on the slope ain't it!

Well I gotta get back to my, what was it, Pavement Pounding! Have a nice day Stink!

Oh ya...Bless your heart.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns! (from a 1960's bumper sticker)