Originally Posted by KenMi
Originally Posted by smarquez
Can someone point me to the page where this thing went off the rails and did the OP ever figure out what was going on with his rifle or ammo?

About the time a cross-eyed drunk entered the conversation after seeing that someone had a rifle that didn't cause the retching reflex when viewed. His original tirade was because it had a slower twist than his kingliness approves of. But, he later on stepped into a huge pile of donkey dung by admitting that he has guns of the same twist and uses the same bullets as the OP, of which he criticized.

So, since then he's been trying to dodge that fact by showing he is a complete and utter lunatic. He has excelled greatly at that. Oh, and apparently he got wood once in the last 6 six weeks by revving up his Tonka chain saw and dropping a tree, after 8 hours of chewing on it like a beaver. That's Cliff Notes of 165 pages of twiggy the wood elf.

I have not seen a pic of him with a saw in his hand that was not at least 15 years old. No way he's touched a saw or a tree in the last six weeks. Laffin'.

Of course cuttin' down trees is by far the most bestest, uberest, and most heroic profession in 'merica! It also requires only the highest degree in education. I'm sure the little gremlin graduated at the top of his Harvard class. He'll post a pic from 1982 to prove it!

I'm rollin' on the floor here... laugh


Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

Thomas Jefferson