
The only facts you can/do substantiate,is that besides being a Clueless Drooling Dumbfhuqk,you also happen to be a Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit. Congratulations?!? Laughing!

Boy...when you REALLY "don't care",your Imagination,Pretend and GoogleFu go into overdrive. Bless your heart. Laughing!

Do tell,what it is that you "do" for a "Living",to be able to "afford" all of them Delusions? I mean,besides their being free? You "lucky" kchunt! Laughing!

Lemme frost your Imagination and it's Pretend with more Reality.

Tell Yourself That You COULD Too!

Some fair colors Today. Popped a leetle feel flash ona walkabout,searching for Chrome...as it tends to make colors dance. Newest Donor is a trooper,but of course don't get to vote.


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Gawwdamned fhuqking thang must be yet ANOTHER Lucky One and it honked in a 37" Buck. Fingered I'd toss you a leetle action,after having set on your kchunt all fhuqking day.


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Fhuqking dust is hard on Riggin' and the swelterin' temps got up to 85 today. Good call to yard the Giotto's and SFT along. Google it.


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Caught a last light Sucker Hole and will be curious to see what tomorrow brings. LUCKILY for you and mainly because you "don't care",you'll be fortunate enough to read about it and gawk the pics. You "lucky" kchunt.


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Admittedly lookin' forward to your next Whine,them fresh Excuses and yet another Estrogen Fueled Vagina Monologue,on how Imagination and Pretend are so "real" to you.

What didja' ALMOST "do" today?!?



You SURE as fhuqk ain't gonna touch anything in regards to The Rifle...if only because even someone as fhuqking STUPID as you,knows better.


Bless your heart.



You STUPID Fhuqk...do you "think" where the hook lites,changes their flavoring?!?


Holy fhuqking schit...I'm CRYIN' I'm laughing soooooooooooooo fhuqking hard!!!


Is there NO fhuqking end,to you Drooling Dumbfhuqks' Incredible STUPIDITY?!?


You WHINING Clueless Kchunts are a fhuqking hoot!!!!!!!

Bless your heart.



Personally,I've never eaten live Salmonids. Feel free to expound on how I'm "missing out". Laughing!

Feesh ALWAYS taste better,when they scream....you AMAZINGLY Stupid fhuqk.

Bless your heart.



The "fish" you caught,don't even rate being called "Bait". Congratulations?!?

Happiness is a Clear Cut of 1000yr old victims,a Dragger shudderin' as it chews the bottom while filling the net and Screaming Victims with a toucha wiggle in 'em,as they hit the flame.

Google it.

Bless your heart.



Don't go makin' fun of Outdoor Hag,as she's got it MORE than comfortably covered. Hell...I reckon in just but another coupla years,she just might get a live round into battery.



What did you ALMOST "do"?!?

Spare no "details".

Bless your heart.



Purty fancy stuff there and you gawwdamned fhuqking nearly shot it once. Congratulations?!?


Say sumptin' about the chambering,twist,throat geometry and COAL latitude,if only to add copious hilarity obliviously.

Bless your heart.


Now you can say you've "seen" a 77/22 Hornet setback and punched "K" at 20" ala OEM spout,while rockin' a V-Max smooch in the issued mag. 32's in formed cases,35's to form...gotta horde the goodness. Google it!


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Case Forming here at 3030fps with 35V-Max.

Snagged it!

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You Do Nothing Dumbfhuqks are a hoot!...............


A "pause",is as fhuqking "fast" as you've EVER "moved".



Bless your heart............


Yep...yet another slow day here.

You'd of been shooting flares,hoping for rescue,to get you back to the crummy!

The Texas Version of EVERYTHING is fhuqking hilarious!

Bless your heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."