Originally Posted by Big Stick

There's no slighting the collective Stupidity of you Do Nothing Dumbfhuqks...though in fairness,you are EASILY dumber than most. Congratulations?!?

I'll feign my "surprise" that yet again,the only thing you can offer in the first hand,is an Epic Whine and more Excuses. You "lucky" kchunt.

Bless your heart.



Savvy and coordination reliably fends all things,that reliably stump you. Congratulations?!?

You couldn't begin to fathom the magnitude.

Bless your heart.



You MAGNIFICENTLY Whining Do Nothing Kchunt...I see you still "don't care",with Vagina Monlogue,after Vagina Monologue. Congratulations?!?

I doubt I've much more than 3500 pics saved online,though I've seen me sandbag.


Bless your heart.



It will only come as a "surprise"...to someone as Fhuqking STUPID as you,that I've prolly put more than a few pards,on more than a few Splendid Beasties. Congratulations?!?

Hell,some might even build like blueprints,for some strange reason,you AMAZINGLY Stupid Fhuqk. Laughing!

You "hard chargers" are a fhuqking hoot,doubly so with Imaginary Pretend Ignore blatantly fhuqking lied about.

Bless your heart,you CLUELESS Fhuqk.



You LYING Piece Of Fhuqking Schit...is there no end to your Delusions? I'm crying,I'm laughing soooooooooo fhuqking hard!!!! Bless your heart.

Do tell what "a lot" is as a Short Bus driver in the Navy. Congratulations?!?

You poor poor STUPID Fhuqk.

Wow +P++!!!!



Is this where you tell me,that you took that pic too?!? Laughing!

You are in soooooooooooo fhuqking far over your head,that it is simply fhuqking amazing and Do Nothing Dumbfhuqks line up daily,to "tell" me stuff...if only to put your Dumbfhuqktitude and Lying Kchuntitude in perspective. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



Asstell couldn't afford the muzzle tape,less a co-signer.

Don't go slightin' how REAL her Imagination and Pretend is...to her.



I've worked with 100's and 100's of folks and never once wished for a thing...though do see the masses reliably follow suit with my lead. Hint.

Be SURE to tell yourself that you "excel" at SOMETHING. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



It was when the STUPID Fhuqker asked questions,about a rifle betwixt her very own mitts.


You ain't very fhuqking bright,are you? Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



Should you ever wish to be 100% correct,give thought to copy/pasting what I say. Oooopsie! Too late. Congratulations?!?

I'm afforded the luxury,of not being forced to guess. Hint.

You suck a mean ass,you heel nipping "lucky" kchunt.

Bless your heart.



You AMAZINGLY STUPID Kchunt...if only you had an inkling to your EPIC Dumbfhuqktitude,you'd staple your quivering lips shut. You REALLY "told" '22 and wasted no time in putting his pic,in your album. You "hard chargers" are a fhuqking hoot!!!

Headspace? That's even fhuqking funnier than your Mil and MOA "explanation". I'm fhuqking crying,I'm laughing soooooooooo fhuqking hard!!! Congratulations?!?

Mebbe kick some steaks around in the schit,poke 'em in The Freezer Burn Factory,talk out your STUPID ass about rifle builds and frost it with pics!

Bless your heart.



Ain't it an intellesting Dichotomy,that no amount of Imagination or Pretend can salve the realitry of your "means","abilities" and "comprehension". Congratulations?!?

It's a fhuqking hoot,that which is IMPOSSIBLE for you and your ilk,is simply blasse' in these parts. Ain't perspective more than a touch interestin'?!? Feel free to dangle some pics of your pieces of fhuqking schit,if only to obliviously quantify the obvious. Hint.

Frost it by stating what you "do" for a "living". Humor Points always awarded,for your plagiarized pics and Pavement Pounding Pursuits.

Bless your heart.



You still cain't explain the Sheep Goat Fhuqk. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



Though Asstell is clearly a Drooling Dumbfhuqk,I'd wager she shoots more than Shefire,Mi,Whore-Hey!,'Nut,'S,Magnumdood,Squawker,Fredrica and Magnumdoosh all bolted together...though (3) pokes a year would do it.



Ain't it a curious constant,that you Drooling Do Nothing Broke Dick Turd Polishers,are ALWAYS looking for handouts? Congratulations?!?

When was the last time you made a cast or a shot in the REAL Outdoors? I mean besides never?

Bless your heart.



Don't be too hard on 'Nut...just like you,Imagination and Pretend is all that the Stupid Kchunt has got. Congratulations?!?

You REALLY "know" your stuff,you AMAZINGLY Stupid Fhuqk. Laughing!

Bless your heart....................

You're not going to let this go until I tell you what I excel at (you could have just read my profile) so I'm going to have to say it would be sex that I excel at most. wink laugh